Pipe Dream Plumber怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Pipe Dream - Plumber
is a free easy-to-use puzzle game which your job is to prevent the tubes from reaching the top and causing a water overflow! Simply turn and move the different pipe pieces by touching them and connect them together to form a pipeline. Make as many pipelines as you can before the pipes reach the top.
When you create a pipeline, you will reduce the overall water pipes and avoid overflows in each tube!
Adjust as many water pipes as you can before the water pipes reach the top in this exciting game!
With Pipe Dream, you have to show adaptability and quick reflex tactics to become an undisputed plumber!
Just tube it! Become the best plumber in Pipe Dream in the best free plumbing game around and stop the water overflows!
Features in Pipe Dream Plumber
- Achievements and Leaderboard. Create the biggest Pipeline to be the highest ranked plumber!
- Endless fun with pipelines! The game is simple to learn, but hard to master!
- Awesome graphics. Create a pipeline with pipes in stunning visuals!
Download PipeDream today and start plumbing now!
Attention fans of pipe games, plumbing and pipeline games! I am always very happy to receive your feedback. Please email me at:
Homepage: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.newleafstudios.pipedream
随着LL和爱马仕将少女偶像企划捧到了空前的热度,日系厂商开始挖掘偶像音游更多的可能性,其中《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对》正是依附“BanG Dream!”世界观为主全新音游作品,被玩家粉丝戏称为“棒棒人”也从侧面看出这一新企划还是有一定的受众的。近日,移动怪兽宣布取得《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对》港澳台地区的代理权,中文版将于今年秋天正式与玩家见面。
据悉,“BanG Dre...
由移动怪兽代理,日本娱乐公司「武士道(Bushiroad)」和 Craft Egg 开发製作的手机音乐节奏游戏《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对》于 11 月 12 日推出 LIVE 活动「让我们再次绽放光芒」,原创歌曲「もう一度儿ミナス」搭配活动一同登场,全新转蛋「彩的光辉耀眼之道」推出,丸山彩及白鹭千圣全新★4 卡热闹登场。
「彩的光辉耀眼之道」全新转蛋推出★4 丸山彩及白鹭千圣登场 ...
《暴雨》、《底特律:变人》的开发商Quantic Dream,他们的下一款作品可能不再是PS独占,而是全平台。
最近Quantic Dream正在诚聘一名高级PC工程程序师,要求应聘者精通Direct3D 11或12。考虑到招聘广告特别要求了微软的Direct3D 11或12,因此这或许意味着Quantic Dream的下一个游戏可能还会登陆PC和Xbox One平台。