Sky Cube Box Blast怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Sky Cube Box Blast eğlenceli 100 bölümlük bir kutu patlatma eşleştirme oyunudur. Hamlelerini düşünerek yapmalı ve 100 bölüm içerisinde hedef tahtasında ki görevlerini yerine getirmelisin..
Sky Cube Box Blast içerisinde bulunan 100 zorlu bölüm ile birlikte oynamaya hazır olun. Her bölüm içerisinde bulunan renkli küpleri yan yana ve üst üste getirerek onları patlatabilirsiniz.Combo yaparak daha yüksek puanlar alabilir combo renkleri birleştirebilirsiniz. Her patlattığınız küp ile birlikte puanlarınızı arttırabilir, arttırdığınız puanlarla bölümleri daha iyi bir başarı oranı ile bölümleri bitirmenizi sağlar.
Eğlenceli küp oyunları ile birlikte küpleri patlatıp, sıralamada arkadaşlarınıza meydan okuyun.
Bu eğlenceli ve ücretsiz oyunu hemen şimdi indirin.
Çoklu Level
Zorlaşan oyun akışı
Çoklu patlatma ile skor katlama
Reklam izleyerek Coin kazanma
Karakter seçimi
Sky Cube Box Blast is a fun boxing matching game. You should do your moves in mind and perform your duties on the target board in 100 chapters.
Get ready to play with 100 challenging episodes in the Sky Cube Box Blast. You can combine combo colors that can get higher scores by making combo by placing the colored cubes in each section side by side and overlapping them by overlapping them. With the points you have increased you can increase your points along with the cube you explode and the sections allow you to finish the sections with a better success rate.
Challenge your friends in the sequencing by popping up cubes together with fun cube games.
Download this fun and free game right now.
LuMultiple Level
Flowing game flow
Multiple score with multiple blasting
EkCoin the Coin by following the advertisement
SeçimCharacter selection
Sky Cube Box Blast is a fun boxing matching game. You should do your moves in mind and perform your duties on the target board in 100 chapters.
Get ready to play with 100 challenging episodes in the Sky Cube Box Blast. You can combine colorful cubes in each section and bring them together and bring them to the top. You can increase your points with each cube you make, and with the points you increase, you can complete the sections with a better success rate.
Blow up cubes along with fun cube games, challenge your friends in the rankings.
Download this fun and free game right now.
LuMultiple Level
Flowing game flow
Multiple score with multiple blasting
EkCoin the Coin by following the advertisement
SeçimCharacter selection
Sky Cube Box Blast is a fun boxing matching game. You need to be on board in 100 chapters.
Get ready for the Sky Cube Box Blast. You can With
Challenge your friends.
Download this game now!
LuMultiple Level
IngFlowing game flow
BlastMultiple score with multiple blasting
EkCoin the Coin by following the advertisement
SelectionCharacter selection
《cube escape》是一款画面简单怪诞,脑洞清奇的密室解谜游戏,每一部作品都是一个单独的故事,但连起来会发现居然是一个大故事(故事就不剧透了,大家自己去游戏中看看)
游戏目前一共有10款,大部分都能直接在app store上找到。大家可以按照游戏顺序玩,也可以挑选难度来玩。
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