Photo Quiz – Trivia Game怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
What’s the picture? Guess the word from the picture!
This is a free photo guessing trivia game for all ages.
How to play?
Tap the jigsaws to reveal the hidden parts of the photo and guess what the word is. The less jigsaws you tap opened, the more coins you will get! The coins can be used to open new photo topics, then more fun you will have! At the same time, the more photos you can solve, the more stickers you will be rewarded and the higher the global rank you will be!
Sound Interesting? Not only entertaining yourself, you may also have fun with other players online!
The Challenge mode allow you to compete with other online players in real time! Try to win three of the five games in each match. Defeat your opponent and climb up the League. Collect the epic stickers that can represent you!
Too easy to finish all photo topics in other photo quiz trivia game?
No worry! Our game content is continuously growing! We will enrich the photo library for you to unlock, to keep you excited! The photo quiz covers a wide range of interesting topics with more than 2,000 funny photos. Topics include ocean, jungle, national flags, raw materials, occupations, famous people, hot games, transportations, festivals, dogs, fruits & veggies, etc.
Got stuck? FREE hints to help you on the journey!
We provide hints, “reveal a letter” as an example, to help you to solve the quiz when you get stuck on the photo. You can also choose to “skip” the difficult one with another to continue your journey.
Any other elements make our game different from other similar photo quiz games?
Apart from the detailed graphics and content provided, our core values to create epic entertainment experience for gamers will help the game stand at a stage that other trivia games can hardly achieve. If you are one of the big fans of high quality trivia games, download the game and stay with us now!
You may also leave your comments and suggestions of photo topics to us! We will review and try to fulfil your needs!
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