Ninja Baseball Smashman怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Evil Alien Baseballs are invading from another dimension and the world needs your help to ash them back into oblivion!
Armed with the only weapon you need; A BASEBALL BAT!
.......and some shurikens in case things get dicey, you are a ninja after all.
3 strikes and you're out so use all your ninja skills to jump and ash Earth's way to FREEDOM!
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「分数忍者:Fraction Ninja」是一款带有教育性质的益智小游,可以很好的帮助大家锻炼眼力,感知 0 和 1 之间的奥妙。
玩家在游戏里扮演的是一位忍者,站在一个被机器控制的木板上,上方会不断出现训练棒还有一个分数,玩家需要根据这个分数非常准确的将训练棒切断,不然忍者的位置就会上升,最终 Game Over。游戏共设有冒险模式、生存模式两种模式,在冒险模式中采用的是三星机制,在每一个关卡...