RPG Companion怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
The goal of this app is to improve your life, as a DnD Dungeon Master, or any RPG DM or GM for that matter. Currently still in alpha, but there are several working aspects as of now:
-Plot Hook Generator - Browse through hundreds of plot hooks to help keep your story interesting. You can even submit your own!
-NPC Generator - Randomly generate a very detailed NPC on the fly; your players will believe that this NPC has a purpose and is significant instead of a throwaway one-off forgettable character.
-Name Generator - With a growing list of races.
-Loot Generator - Configurable to a large variety of encounter types
-Unique Items, Riddles, Puzzles, Dungeons, and Battle Maps submitted and voted on by users.
-A convenient dice roller
-More than 120 "d100" lists - Have you ever needed to come up with a tavern name quickly? How about an interesting potion? Or the contents of a traveler's backpack? These lists contain 100+ different entries to quickly help you fill in the details of your world.
This app is open source: https://github.com/svenjoypro/RPGCompanion
and I would love any and all contributions. If you have little programming experience, but are still creative then the JSON files found here: https://github.com/svenjoypro/RPGCompanion/tree/master/app/src/main/res/raw might be more your style.
由韩国游戏公司Funigloo推出的动作RPG新作《ROTO RPG》近日正式上架!游戏中玩家可以从35个英雄中任意选择三位展开冒险之旅,游戏玩法覆盖MOBA、攻城战、塔防、小游戏、世界BOSS等丰富的RPG内容,给玩家带来更好的游戏体验。游戏本身没有什么亮点,不过全球同服就已经足够吸引人了。
《ROTO RPG》是一款结合了战略要素的动作RPG,全世界30多个国家的众多玩家可以一...