Unno Pirates Party怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
This Unno Pirates Party Card game is getting more and more popular with its engaging gameplay. It is becoming the most relaxing and also fun to spend time with.
Uno in Spanish is known as “One". It’s a family game where every member can equally involve in the game, and the excitement is infectious.
The main objective of Uno card game is to discard all your cards before other players. The player who gets rid of his cards first, is the winner.
Initally at the start of the game 7 cards are distributed to each player. The cards which are left after distributing the cards are considered as Draw Pile.
The top most card in Classic Uno game is then put face up. That card determines which colour or number the first player should put. Also, that card becomes the 1st card in the Discard pile.
In Uno World, The player needs to match the colour or the number from the discard pile. In case the player doesn’t have the colour or number card, he is forced to pick up a card from the Draw pile. In case you have an action card, you can use that as well.
If you have a wild card in Unno Pirates Party, play that card and change the course of the game. These action cards in Uno are the game changer in Uno. It can make you win the losing game. But use your cards in our Unno Pirates Party card game wisely because a wrong move can land you in trouble in your next chances.
Unno Pirates Party is no doubt stores a lot of excitement and surprises for you. The game can change any moment and bring you the victory. You have to use your wit and common sense to win this game.
Unno Pirates Party is the perfect card game to bond over with.
So, grab your little ones and hot chocolate and prepare yourself for a war in our Online Multiplayer and Private room.
So, what are you waiting for? Download Unno Pirates Party now for FREE!!
==== Unno Pirates Party Features ====
+ Three strategic AI players
+ 3 action cards and 2 Wild cards
+ Extremely rich UI
+ Private Room: Play with your friends and family.
+ Play Online in Uno with different players across the globe
+ Chat system funny in Online & Private room
+ Fast-paced, competitive and fun - for free!
+ Easy & Refreshing Intece
+ Achievement Systems
+ Easy to buy some Card, Desk, Avatar
+ Easy to share game for your friends via Facebook
Please don't forget to Rate and Review Unno Pirates Party, we aim to make Unno Pirates Party one of the best card games out there on the Play Store.
We will be grateful to hear your opinions and improve whenever needed in future versions.
Enjoy playing Uno!!
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