Ellen's Secret Castle怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
The player controls Ellen by running, jumping and shooting bubbles. The player starts out at the bottom floor of a four-story castle, named Castle Garland, and he must work his way upwards, searching the three main stories, the well, two side towers and the very top. If the player stays too long outside of the castle, lightning bolts fall off from the sky.
Each room the castle contains many enemies and hidden items. Ellen's bubbles are both a tool and a weapon; throwing bubbles at soft blocks causes them to break apart and either create additional routes, reveal hidden shops, or expose specific items. The bubbles can also destroy the demons that inhabit the given rooms, though they will come back to life after several seconds.
Each story can only be reached by defeating the first boss. Although seemingly basic, the only way the bosses can even be reached is by discovering a host of secrets, some of which require sheer luck or a helpful manual. This is because there is no visual difference between these "soft blocks" hiding the secrets and the "hard blocks" which are just walls and sometimes you have to be extremely specific about where you have to shoot at.
Sometimes after you uncover the spot where the item is, you are even required to waste your time walking around the level before an important item like the key appears. These bosses are much larger than the regular demons and take many bubbles to defeat. They attack by leaping back and forth, spitting out fireballs that take a lot of life off. When a demon-monster dies it stays dead and releases a crystal ball and, at times, make Ellen's bubbles larger and make them fly out farther. The demon-monster's room can then be used to get to the next story of the castle.
Throughout the entire game the player is only given one life. When one life is lost, the game is over and the player must start over. However, if the player holds left on the control pad while pressing the Start button at the title screen, he or she can start where they left off. This command does not work before collecting the first crystal.
Along the way, Ellen will come across various items found in shops; some shops are in plain sight, some are hidden in the differing rooms or outside the castle, and some can be found after Ellen defeats a certain demon-monster boss. All of the items augment Ellen in one specific way or another, though not all of them are found in shops.
骑士团战时,在极少的情况下,攻击对方骑士团的城堡时会进入【Castle Break】,这是获得大量分数的绝好机会,对己方骑士团十分有利。
【Castle Break】依照以下条件发生:
敌方骑士团被全部歼灭时会出现【Castle Break Chance】;
《Castle Breakout》是一款高品质的解谜游戏,逼真的3D画面和互动谜题集,Castle Breakout(城堡突围大逃亡)为2017年的密室逃亡类游戏设定了新的最高标准。寻找线索破解极具挑战性的谜题,超过1000小时超级计算机渲染的有趣谜题,由易到难,让这款中世纪复古风解谜游戏成为逃亡类游戏爱好者的必玩游戏。
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