Flying Bird * fun怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
- Flying Bird - fun is BACK! Now more FUN and visually STUNNING than ever before. Experience the Thrill and Excitement while you bravely navigate YOUR character through deadly pipes and other obstacles… But beware - even the slightest mistake and GAME OVER! "Tap your way to the top" of the leaderboards and become a Flying Bird - fun KING! Enjoy the Suspense, FUN and Rewards as you fly through the breathtaking and graphically amazing Flying Worlds. Play and compete against countless others - just like YOU - Worldwide! Download FREE and PLAY NOW!
- Fly as long as you can to get YOUR name and score on the Honorable Global Leaderboard of Flying Bird - fun KINGS!
极简就是美,越南独立游戏开发者阮哈东的《flappy bird》正好说明这一点,哪怕那只笨鸟造型简单,甚至可以用丑陋来形容;玩法极其简易甚至无聊。但只要能抓住玩家的心,具备足够的可玩性,那么低成本小制作也能风靡全球!
一、《flappy bird》的疯狂程度
《flappy bird》于2013年5月上架,至今才迎来爆发,强势插入各大应用市场排行榜前列,单凭广告收入就达到5万美金之多,...
还记得那款魔性的《Flappy Bird》游戏吗?日前,《华盛顿邮报》就参考了这款游戏开发了一款以美国2016年总统大选竞选人为主角的游戏--《Floppy Candidate》。该家媒体介绍称:“毫不夸张地说,由(公司)内部工程师、设计师和开发者组成的团队打造出了一款可以帮助你玩转大选季的软件。”
跟《Flappy Bird》一样,《Floppy Candidate》也使用了8位像素级的画面,...