You are Lieutenant Ricky, the tank commander and you were instructed to participate in a massive attack on the enemy. But the enemy has become aware of your plans and your team is in the enemy's rear, all units are broken and the only survivor is the crew of your tank.
- Destroy obstacles
- Pump the tank
- Don't stray.
- Buy powerful tanks
- Save your team !
Left surrounded by the enemy you decide to save your team, and the only way out is to breakthrough. Save your team and go to the end, how long would not be your way.
名称 人民英雄号
星级 ★★★★★★★
类型 中型坦克 吨位 32吨
正/侧/背面装甲 52/45/40毫米 穿深 71-213毫米
主炮 85mm D-5T-1943 L/51.6坦克炮
其他武装 7.62mm DT机枪(2挺)
发动机 V-2柴油机(500马力) 最高时速 55公里/小时
车组人数 5人
历史介绍 1953年7月,志愿军某部3...