Guess the Emoji - Video Game Quiz Edition怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Guess the Emoji - Video game quiz edition is a trivia game with hieroglyphics made by Mega Quiz where you must recognize more than 250 games of recent years including the latest releases explained with emoji puzzles. Show that you are the gamer that knows the most about video games solving all levels and entering the highscore!
This game contains the most popular releases of the last 10 years, including remastereds, indies and games from all platforms: PC, mobile and console.
Mind that this game is designed to the most hardcore players that have spreaded their gaming knowledge massively and are aware the latest trends in gaming or like to play variety games. If this is not the case, we recommend that you play in a group, with friends or family, as it is a good way to learn new titles and discover new games in common.
- Discover new games: All our levels are designed to enforce you to discover new game titles.
- Ordered by category: Guess the game according to it's lore, a game of words or other ways that will surprise you.
- Huge content: Currently has more than 250 we are expanding.
- Keyboard config: Allows you to use your mobile's keyboard and write comfortably in QWERTY mode.
- Community listening: We've included a lot of user suggestions to improve the game.
- No-forced ads: No invasive ads, you can complete the entire game without seeing a single ad.
The Emoji icons we are using has been provided for free by EmojiOne.
随着科技时代的发展,游戏的类型也是越来越多样,从一些摸不着头脑的游戏如今的司空见怪、见怪不怪。别人问一个问题,人们自然回想回答,即使自己不知道也会想知道答案,这种好奇心以及好胜心勾起的是玩家们内心最真实的欲望。而根据玩家们对于这样的心理活动,有一类游戏就比价有趣,那就是简单但却不容易的问答类型的游戏。问答游戏从之前的简单回答个问题到今天的添加到了RPG和故事情节在其中,《Quiz Magic Ac...
《Sudoku Pro Edition》是一款在经典数独游戏中增添新创意的限免游戏,在游戏中,玩家要将数字填进每一格,而每行、每列和每个3 x 3的大格将要集齐1 ~ 9的所有数字。有一部份数字已被预先提供,每道谜题只有一个答案。规则虽然不难,但要解出每一道谜题可是相当考验逻辑哦!