Little Thirsty Bird怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Little Thirsty Bird is one of the best bird game. There will be a little bird flying from left to right or from right to left. Some rain drops will spawn over it randomly with different colors. The thirsty bird has to collect the rain drops whose color is same as its own color. If it hits rain drop with different color the game will be over. Below are the three levels of this game.
- There will be one bird (either Pink or Orange) from starting and will not change its color till game over. Rain drops will be spawn over it.
- There will be two types of birds (Pink and Orange). Rain drops will be spawn over it in equal proportion (1:1). If the bird is orange then among two rain drops one will be pink and other one will be orange. When the bird will reach other end, it will change its color. If it is pink then it will be orange. Similarly, if it is orange then it will be pink.
- There will be two types of birds (Pink and Orange). Rain drops will be spawn over it in equal proportion (1:1). In this level when the bird will reach at other end it may change its color or may not. If it is pink then it may remain pink or may change to orange when it will reach other end.
How To Play:
Tap anywhere on the screen to fly the thirsty little bird. Try to collect the rain drop whose colors are same as bird’s color.
《Flappy Bird》被玩疯了,就连智能手表也来凑这个热闹。可在Pebble智能手表《Tiny Bird》其凶残程度可谓是有过之而无不及,一起去看看吧!...
人气手游《Flappy Bird》自从App Store下架以来,这款游戏在玩家与业界的影响依旧存在,游戏开发者阮哈东按照此前计划重新推出这款游戏,新版本中将支持双人模式。
阮哈东周五通过亚马逊Android应用商店发布了《Flappy Bird Family》,这一新版本目前尚未在苹果App Store和谷歌Play中上线。这款游戏还支持亚马逊的Fire TV平台,同时引入了新的...
今年最新推出的Akky Bird即将火爆公测,每一款游戏都要经历封测、删档内测、不删档内测、公测等几个阶段,玩家们每天都期待着Akky Bird安卓或者iOS版本正式的公测时间,有很多玩家都在问小编Akky Bird什么时候公测?Akky Bird什么时候出?有什么办法可以快速地知道Akky Bird开放下载和公测的时间呢,下面九游小编就为各位玩家提供以下方法:
Akky Bird公测时间提前预...