Polaris Tunnel Rush怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Tunnel Rush game for Android
Easily Available in following continents:
1. North America
2. South America
3. Europe
4. Asia
5. Africa
6. Australia
7. Antarctica
No Win Scenario
Runner's Choice The Ultimate!
Arcade game
An individual player plays in a time, The tunnel of time, A way reach to the ultimate!
1. Official Polaris on Mobile
Players are individual, or the game is likely a solo play. Player have to drag its ship by moving the fingers. Once Tunnel starts it will not stop until/unless you quit or you died in game. While travelling through tunnel of time in game, player have to collect boxes, as they will be counted and will increase your experience level in game.
2. High-Quality Graphics
Polaris uses a high quality graphics to improve quality of game. As quality is sign of best, we selected graphics first. Graphics has been created in High-Performance programming language, C++ Language.
3. Full Touch Control
The game has full touch control. Drag the ship smoothly by your fingers.
4. Game Life
As time goes, the speed of ship will try to achieve very high speed, player have to control a lot to stay in game. Once game life become zero users have to wait for some time. When that time will complete player will get 4 life in game.
5. Game Score Board and Achievements
Game has score board as following:
Distance: Measure the distance that you travelled.
Box: Count the boxes that you collected.
League: It shows current league in game.
Maximum Distance: It shows a distance travelled till first collision.
Life: Remaining life in game
Experience: It's show your gaming experience.
Activity Time: It's show how many time you travelled through tunnel of time in game.
Achievements Unlocked: It shows a number of achievements unlocked by player in game.
6. In-App Purchases
When player goes out of playing condition, use in app purchases.
*At lease 1 GB RAM is required.
*Android Lollipop version is minimum.
Internet Connection is also recommended but not necessary.
Contact us:
The current version may not fit the final quality, but we are trying to give our best to our valuable players.
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Rush Wars开局要怎么玩才好?这款游戏的开局玩法其实很简单,了解游戏的基本规则即可快速开始游戏,小编将Rush Wars的玩法技巧进行了汇总,下面就是具体的攻略,将详细为大家讲解Rush Wars的玩法内容,各位可以一起来看看。
Rush Wars攻略大全
近日一款新的手游《rush wars》可是刷爆了朋友圈,可能有些小伙伴还不知道这个游戏,但是说到该游戏厂商旗下的《皇室战争》与《部落冲突》小伙伴们一定不陌生,下面我就带给大家本次新游的预约方式与游戏基础玩法攻略。
玩家们下载九游APP在软件里面直接搜索rush wars即可,点击预约按钮就可以成功预约游戏了,在游戏开启测试后,就会第一时间收到消息。同时带给玩家的还有丰厚的游戏礼包...
Rush Wars怎么玩?很多玩家都不知道《Rush Wars》主要玩法是什么。简单来说,这是一款策略卡牌类手游,玩家收集并培养兵种、法术与敌人博弈。下面九游小编带来了《Rush Wars》基础玩法教学,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧!