Be Light怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
BE LIGHT is the first and the only game inspired by light energy spheres.
Designed and developed by me, I have worked to give player an amazing graphic style and a relaxing world…
To play it all you need to do is:
touch the display or drag and drop to move your sphere.
If your light sphere power down, be careful because if a monster touch you, you lose, so you need to run to central motherlight to charge the light.
Power on more spheres to receive more score and go to first place in World Leaderboard.
Collect more stars as possible to buy your special light sphere.
Monsters can killed launching a light sphere to them or make them follow you to the base mother light.
There is also a shop where you can buy your personal light sphere without spend any money but stars.
- Amazing and stunning graphic
- Various enemies with various velocity and skills
- Real relaxing game with a good music
- Google play services leaderboard
- A totally money - free store
- Infinite gameplay
Light House小房之光是一款物理解谜类游戏,玩家们需要通过一定的方法来完成电力传输,点亮灯塔,下面九游雨落就为大家介绍Light House小房之光1-6的攻略,告诉大家第一章第六关如何通关。
由韩国 FULSE 制作的音乐节奏手机游戏《KINETIC LIGHT》,台港澳地区由乐意传播代理,正式命名为《KINETIC LIGHT:FEVER》,并于今(15)日展开事前登录。官方表示,游戏预计于近期开放双平台下载,也确定将为免费制,所有音乐都可以免费解锁,让喜欢音乐游戏的玩家,都能体验《KINETIC LIGHT:FEVER》的乐趣。
今天,开发商Lost in the Garden宣布,旗下超未来科幻风创意竞速新作《LIGHT FIELD》正式登陆PlayStation 4和Xbox One平台,售价2099日元(125人民币)。