Hanoi Tower Play怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Hanoi Tower Play has 3 game modes (more will be added over time), which are:
Classic Mode: this mode as the name implies, is the classic way to play the tower of Hanoi, with the basic rules. You can take the time you need to complete it and make all the moves you need. While less moves you do your score will be better. It has a reward of 100 H-coins per level.
Perfect Mode: In this mode you will have the same rules as the classic, the difference is that you have to complete the level with the minimum movements required, so think about the play before making the move, take your time, because in this mode time is not taken into account. It has a reward of 250 H-coins per level.
Mode against the clock: In this game mode the important thing is the time, so to be able to complete the levels you have to be an expert completing tower of Hanoi levels. Each level has a minimum time to be completed, if you don´t do it in that time you lose. Recommended for those who like difficulty. It has a reward of 250 H-coins per level.
Items de beneficios:
In Hanoi tower play there are 3 items that give you a certain benefit within the game, you can only use once each type of item within a lavel.
Subtract movement: with this item you can subtract a movement of what you have done, example if you have 9 movements made, when using this item you will have 8. It is useful to use in perfect game mode and in the classic to get higher score. It has a value of 1,000 H-coins.
Step back: with this item you can go back a movement, which means that the chip will move to the previous position (where it was before the movement was made), as it is to move backwards it also subtracts a movement. This item is also good for classic mode and perfect mode. It has a value of 1,500 H-coins.
Complete level: This item is to complete with 3 stars the level, useful in case you want to advance a fast level or this a bit complicated. It has a value of 2,000 H-coins.
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