Sholo Guti 16 Beads Tiger trap怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Sholo Guti 16 beads is a new checker game like Chess played between 2 players is traditional game.
Sholo Guti (16 Beads) is a fun, exciting, strategy board game to play with friends and family. This board game played between 2 players, or you can play this game with computer. This game is specially famous in India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia.
This board game is also known as Bagh Bakri, Sixteen Soldiers, Qirkat, Baghchal, Aadu Puli Aattam, Goats and Tigers, Cows and Leopards.
Sholo Guti (16 Beads) also known as tigers vs goats, 16 bead, Qirkat in middle east, 16 soldiers in sri lanka, 32 godi, Alquerque, goats and tigers game or Sher-bakar. It is the best rural games and popular indian game for locals and quite popular game in Bangladesh and east asian countries. Opponent called this game as Bagh Bakri game because they treated 16 bit as tiger and goat. This game is new strategy board game.
How To Play :
This game begins between two players and there is 32 guti's altogether of which everyone possesses 16 beads. Two players place their 16 beads from the edge of the board. As a result the middle line remains empty so that the players can make their move in the free spaces. After the beginning of the game, the players can move their beads one step forward, backward, right, and left and diagonally where there is an empty space. Each player tries to seize opponent’s beads. If a player can cross a pawn of the other player, than that pawn will be deducted or under your capture. Thus that player will be winner who can capture all the pawns of his opponent first.
Category :
* Board Game
* Strategy Board Game
* Family Board Game
*Simple UI and attractive design
*Play with Computer
*Local multiplayer game