Test your knowledge of African states and their capitals.
The app includes:
- Quiz about states and capitals of Africa
- Quiz about heritage sites
- Reference chart of every state’s geography and demography (population, surface ...)
- Side by side comparison between two states
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Namibia photo by kolibri5 (pixabay.com)
《States of Africa怎么下载到手机》下载版本说明
《States of Africa怎么下载到手机》怎么将States of Africa下载到手机?小编这就来告诉玩家们怎么下载到手机,这里有几个方法。1.直接用手机打开九游进行States of Africa下载,这个会耗费流量;2.在电脑上下载,使用数据线拷贝到手机上再进行安装,或者使用豌豆荚等工具,利用wifi连接手机然后拷贝States of Africa到手机。小编推荐大家使用第一种方法,比较方便快捷!