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Real Harmonica
Created by a music teacher for all!!
Experience more fun to play the Harmonica in Android.
The real Harmonica is elegant, portable and functional, suitable for students, for those who want to play, to have fun with friends.
Real Harmonica has all notes!!
Curiosity (wiki)
The harmonica, also called French harp, blues harp, and mouth organ,[1] is a free reed wind instrument used worldwide in nearly every musical genre, notably in blues, American folk music, jazz, country, and rock and roll. There are many types of harmonica, including diatonic, chromatic, tremolo, octave, orchestral, and bass versions. A harmonica is played by using the mouth (lips and/or tongue) to direct air into and out of one or more holes along a mouthpiece. Behind the holes are chambers containing at least one reed. A harmonica reed is a flat elongate spring typically made of brass or bronze, which is secured at one end over a slot that serves as an airway. When the free end is made to vibrate by the player's air, it alternately blocks and unblocks the airway to produce sound.
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