Tebak Gambar Ulama怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Tebak gambar ulama adalah Game seru anak untuk mengenal para ulama di Indonesia maupun Dunia melalui foto.
Game ini berisi gambar-gambar foto ulama, seberapa kenalkah kita dengan ulama kita? coba level-level di aplikasi ini. apakah selesai acara Aksi Damai Reuni 212 menjadi akhir kita dekat dengan ulama? tentu tidak. buktikan kita dekat dengan ulama.
jangan lupa kenalkan anak-anak kita dengan ulama.
1. Game GRATIS
2. Ukuran aplikasi yang RINGAN
3. Tebak gambar puluhan Ulama
4. Dapatkan Poin
5. Fitur share
Guess the ulama picture is a fun game for kids to get to know the scholars in Indonesia and the World through photos.
This game contains pictures of clerical photos, how familiar are we to our scholars? try the levels in this application. is the completion of the 212 Reunion Peace Action finished the end we are close to the ulema? certainly not. prove we are close to scholars.
don't forget to introduce our children to the scholars.
1. FREE game
2. The size of the application is LIGHTWEIGHT
3. Guess the picture of dozens of scholars
4. Get Points
5. Share feature