3rd Grade Math Learning Games怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Play to learn math in the most entertaining way, combining operations and activities with our funny pictures.
Math games for 3rd graders free. Suitable for children from USA , Canada , UK , Australia , New Zealand , India, Singapore , Hong Kong, ... Math practice for kids.
It has more than 60 different games to learn math in third grade, divided into :
★ Numbers.
★ Addition & Subtract.
★ Fractions & Decimals.
★ Coin Math ( EUR / USD / GBP).
★ Geometry (polygons and polyhedra ).
★ Time.
★ Multiplication.
★ Division.
Learn math with BORIOL!
Kids will love this game because it shows numbers, operations , polygons , watches, ... with a nice interface . You'll like it too because this app it is based on the curriculum of third grade . Common Core math.
Easy to play . You have the option of unlimited play . You can see your progress step by step .
Suitable for children 7, 8, 9, 10 years. You can play without internet connection.
3rd grade learning games free.
Games adapted for tablets of 10", 8" and 7 ". Also for smartphones.
✔ Third graders (2nd graders or 4th graders, too)
✔ Parents for daily homework
✔ Teachers in the classroom
✔ Homeschoolers
Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boriol.apps
Follow us on twitter : https://twitter.com/boriolapps
Available in English, Spanish, Catalan, German, French, Italian
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