Fruit is a puzzle game for the family, which consists of a merger between the falling items in the right way.
You can connect with each other just the same kind of fruit: raspberries, pineapples, apples,
coconuts, berries, lemons, watermelons.
****** HOW TO PLAY ? ******
1. Touch,
2. Hold,
3. Slide your finger in the direction of the same shape,
4. LET and break the fruit!
Unlimited number of levels! End of the game only when running out of time or fruit on the screen would be too much.
REMEMBER! The more you connect with each other fruits that you get more points and have a chance of winning the super-enhancements:
~ Bombs,
~ Magic Wand,
~ Lightning,
~ Stirrers.
What are the selected objects leave to discover you, dear player :-)
The fruit puzzle also counts your keen eye and reaction time, as fruit, along with gaining levels are falling faster and faster and you have less time to think.
Not only that! The higher the level, there are more and more fruits raising the level of difficulty, so you have to strain your brain even more.
If you like the risk does not have to combine and break up immediately fruit, you just have wait and perhaps for the moment falls again, so that you get a special booster :)
Fruit Puzzle has a friendly eye graphics without obstacles can play with the whole family.
The game is available a global ranking where you compete against other players from around the world!
Remember! Fruit not only needs to be juice, it may also be fruit puzzle :-)
网易高颜值ARPG手游《HIT:我守护的一切》首届全民争霸赛经过激烈的角逐,总决赛四强已经胜出。进入4强的iOS赛区“葬月”战队、“璀璨灬Swords of Destiny”战队,安卓赛区“虾炒饭”战队和“璀璨星空”战队,从进入海选到一路摧枯拉朽打入4强,敢打敢拼的气势和稳打稳扎的输出控制简直炸翻全场。在无数场生死之战中一路过关斩将,4强战队终于迎来了本赛季终极之战——冠军争夺战。进入半决赛后,每...
活动时间:2016-08-22 16:37:00 至 2016-08-28 16:37:00
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