The Ladder of Evil怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Win the terror by climbing a mysterious staircase.
The Ladder of Evil find a way up the dark stairs of an old building where 30 years ago hundreds of people died in a fire. Get ready to listen to scary noises and crap for some mysterious presences.
The focus here is not on action, but test your resistance to claustrophobic environments. Turn up the volume on your headphones, leave the room dark and start climbing the stairs of The Ladder of Evil.
On your way to find the exit, there appear eyes shining in the darkness, shadows that cross in front of you, the breath of someone close to you ... The pressure and the mystery increase with each step.
以下就是小编为大家带来的邪恶工厂Evil Factory全章节通关攻略分享:
b11 boss的钳子有攻击判定所以在背后要安全的多 攻击方式有激光和手榴弹 激光为逆时针扫90度 射激光时会有灯亮起 在灯亮起的时候躲到右边或者背后等激光过去跟上就行 只要注意别被手榴弹封走位就是了
邪恶工厂Evil FactorB28关怎么过?邪恶工厂Evil FactorB28关尤金通关技巧?接下来小编为大家详解一下:
1 火攻 在附近点燃一段火焰 火焰为弧形 分为左与右两段 左边火焰较为靠近boss自己 右边比较远 这一技能很简单 boss先左后右 所以只要到右边就可以躲
2 突袭 尤金化为影子 过一段时间够从地下钻出并且发射大量火焰弹 躲避方法很简单 ...
以下就是小编为大家带来的邪恶工厂Evil Factory困难模式通关技巧分享: