Word Play怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Word Play is a quiz game designed to help expand your English-vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.
• Contains 2000+ words handpicked from previous years’ question papers of competitive exams (including, but not limited to GATE, GRE and SAT)
• Provides an engaging intece to select synonyms and antonyms of given words from a choice of four options.
• Provides an intece to share your achievement on social media if you complete a 3-Combo streak.
• Provides an intece to check your responses, the correct option and the definition of the given word for all the questions that you’ve attempted.
由英国游戏开发商We Heart Dragons推出的消除类益智游戏《铭文探索》(Glyph Quest)曾获得许多玩家的青睐。前不久,我们也曾经报道过这款游戏的续作《铭文探索:编年史》( Glyph Quest: Chronicles)将会与玩家见面,但是具体时间尚无法知晓。而在今天,日本游戏公司Chorus Worldwide宣布,这个游戏将在5月登陆日服,所以,在这个月我们就可以和这款经典续...
风靡台湾的性感ARPG手游《超杀女神》近日确定被国内一线发行商51wan独家代理,并于1月14日开启安卓删档测试。据悉,《超杀女神》曾荣登台湾Google play免费榜第一位,并与台湾热辣超模合作出演宣传视频,将性感诱惑充分呈现。而本次在国内的删档测试,势必掀起全新热潮,与玩家贺岁新春。
台湾 Google play 免费榜第一名游戏《超杀女神》2016年新春档火爆来袭!骑马与砍杀的战斗模...