Ogame Client for android怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
now you can see the release note : https://release-notes.com/@jc01rho/OgameClient
supporting translate : https://poeditor.com/join/project/Ck65UNd7iX
I'm on Keep working :)
this app cannot support FACEBOOK login.
this app tested Android in Samsung Galaxy S3 ( 4.4 ) , Galaxy S7 EDGE ( 8.0 )
*** this app is NOOOOT the OFFICIAL
and this is just my hobby job. so please cheer me up. or i should just dump this app lol
just client for the Ogame webgame.
please register in official website.
(ogame.org or your language site if available.)
cannot login with facebook untill now.
cannot register from this app
개발자 연락처 :
now you can see the release note: https://release-notes.com/@jc01rho/OgameClient
supporting translate: https://poeditor.com/join/project/Ck65UNd7iX
I'm on Keep working :)
This app can not support FACEBOOK login.
this app tested Android in Samsung Galaxy S3 (4.4), Galaxy S7 EDGE (8.0)
*** this app is NOOOOT the OFFICIAL
and this is just my hobby job. so please cheer me up. or i should just dump this app lol
just client for the Ogame webgame.
please register in the official website.
(ogame.org or your language site if available.)
can not login with facebook untill now.
can not register from this app
《魔灵召唤:天空之役》一款由Com2uS製作的高水準全3D RPG新作,华丽的战斗效果、收集培养怪物要素,以及攻略各种洞窟把Boss击倒。
iOS版预定6月12日推出,支持 한국어, English, 日本语, 中文繁体简体等多种语言
《魔灵召唤:天空之役 Summoners War:Sky Arena》集村庄、战斗、地下城、 PvP、收集、养成于一身,指令式向角色下达命令攻击敌人,本作拥有3...
现在在离Google I/O 2012启动不到24小时的,说到Google就不能不提到
android系统。现在很多的手机都是采用android系统1.5版本(Cupcake 纸杯蛋糕)起到现在的Android 4.0Ice Cream Sandwich(冰激凌三明治) ,每一代的android系统都给了我们很多的惊喜,现在Google公司又要在此次的I/O大会推出Android 4.1Jel...