Learn Colors With Doraemon怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Learn Colors With Doraemon is interesting game teaches you twelve different colors. Just tap the Doraemon and hear the voice to learn how to spell colors.
Very simple intece makes it easy to play. Black, blue, red, blue, orange, Maroon, yellow, purple, gray, brown, white, and pink! Great for all ages. This is a rewarding and unexpected education game.
* Safe for everyone
* It's 100% free
* Lots of colorful eggs
* Color spelling with voice
Learn the colors with Doraemon is a simple and funny educational game for you and also for everyone. It is learning you the basic colors and words of their English in the same time. Everyone will learn the name and get out of color.
Join the fun and have a nice surprise coloring game with colorful eggs! Thank you
《while True:learn()》是一款编程模拟类游戏,玩家们需要体验一位码农从小程序员编程大牛的过程,目前游戏是由官方中文,不过翻译来自于社区爱好者的自行翻译,只翻译了41%,虽然大量文本都没有翻译完成,但几乎可以比较顺利的完成游戏。下面小编就将带来《while True:learn()》中文设置方法,大家一起来看看吧。
《while True:learn()》中文设置方法
在极限运动中,滑板是极受欢迎的一个分支,无数极限运动爱好者为我们带来了激动人心的视觉盛宴。近日,《Flip : Surfing Colors》已上架App Store,你能在这里享受滑板带来的无穷乐趣。
《Flip : Surfing Colors》是一款休闲跑酷手游。你将踩着滑板,成为一名桀骜不驯的狂娟人士,穿梭在美丽的城市街头,利用自己高超的轮滑技术闯过障碍。游戏采用彩绘画风,你能看到各...
带着耳机,脚踩滑板,穿梭于城市的街头小巷,滑板给我们的一印象,就是酷。但如果真要把滑板玩好,滑板就几乎成为一项极限运动,难度非常大。在现实中无法实现就来游戏中过过瘾吧。近日,以滑板运动为主题的跑酷手游《Flip : Surfing Colors》将于近期推出。
《Flip : Surfing Colors》是一款跑酷手游,游戏采用彩绘画风,玩家将踏着滑板在各种造型奇特的赛道中滑行。赛道中所布...