Tap Jam怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
Shoot the ball to score.
[Here's the rundown]
League Mode is multiplayer:
Choose your city, tell your friends, shoot baskets, score points together, and earn trophies for your city. The more shots in a row you make, the more points you'll be able to score for your team. But be weary of the shot clock violation, because each miss will knock off a second, and no one likes commercials! So, shoot with precision!
Solo Mode is single player:
This is a single player mode just to play for fun and to help work on your shot.
World Mode is Countries vs Countries:
This mode is in the works and is expected to be released once I squash any remaining all bugs users may experience after release or any new features requested by players.
Good luck, and remember, shoot with precision!
关注独立的游戏玩家对 Global Game Jam (以下简称 GGJ ),全球游戏创作节应该不陌生。这是一个独立游戏人的大集会。游戏人在规定的时间里,尽力做一款好玩的游戏,才是活动的精髓。
相比起欧美的其他游戏大展、漫展,相对小众的 GGJ 的历史也不算长。Game Jam 一词是由 Game(游戏)和 Jam Session (即兴表演)两个词组成,这种游戏...
曾开发过音乐解谜游戏《波克埃克大冒险》的游戏制作团队Possible Games,近日又公开了一款名为《Tap Company》的新游,该作是一款模拟经营类玩法的游戏,玩家将通过简单的点击操作来完成自己的创业梦想,一起通过视频来了解下!
是否曾经幻想过躺在阳光沙滩上享受惬意人生,动动手指就能日赚斗金的总裁生活?《Tap Company》就能帮你圆梦,游戏中玩家可以轻松创立自己的公司,聘用员工...