Callbreak Card Game怎么作弊游戏攻略
Callbreak Card Game is a relatively long-run game played with 52 cards deck between 4 players with 13 cards each. this games rules are pretty easy to learn.There are 5 rounds in Callbreak Card Game game including 13 trick in one round. For each deal, player must play the same suit card. Spade is default trump card in Callbreak Card Game. The player with highest deals after 5 rounds will be the winner. You can pick your bid, play with competitive opponents, make a correct bid for every deal to show off your skills and trick.
Rules :-
* In start all player will bid(number of hands), they can score. Minimum is 1.
* All player will always play greater card than previous cards if possible.
Hand winner
* If no trump used, player who had highest card in same suit will win the hand.
* if trump is used, player with highest card used in hand will win it.
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