Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗_九游手机游戏
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Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗
Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗
Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗
Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗游戏攻略
Zing is a FREE TO PLAY Live Trivia Quiz Game Show app for India where you can win REAL CASH PRIZE MONEY in your bank account every day by simply answering 10 simple and quick questions. You can REFER FRIENDS and GET FREE LIVES to increase your chances of winning the game. There is no limit to how many times you can play and it is free. REGISTER ON THE APP: Registration on Zing app is through your mobile phone number. You will be sent a One Time Password (OTP) on your mobile number through which you can register Post registering, you are required to create a username. You can pick any username you want as long as another user has not already chosen it. It should contain minimum 4 characters GAME RULES (might change occasionally, see inside the app) The game show starts at 10:30 PM sharp everyday. Our host or anchor runs the show live and asks questions while also entertaining you with interesting acts and facts. The host will ask 10 (ten) questions, each question having three options each. Only one of these three options is correct. You have to tap on the correct option on your mobile screen Note that you only get 10 seconds to answer a question and the 10 seconds start from the time the anchor starts speaking out the question. So listen very carefully and don't wait for the question to appear on the screen. If you give the correct answer, you stay in the game and get to see the next question If you give incorrect answer, or are unable to select an answer in 10 seconds, you are eliminated However even after you are eliminated, you can continue to watch the show and win other prizes and benefits during the show. If you are able to answer all ten questions correctly, good for you :) The last question or round is the Fastest Finger First round, meaning whoever answers the question first is the WINNER and gets to win the prize money Everyone who has given the correct answer appears on the leaderboard. The prize money for the day is only given to the WINNER who answered the last question first. ONE WINNER GETS IT ALL EXTRA LIVES A life can be used to stay in the game even if you are eliminated. It is like getting a second chance after making a mistake While rules may change in the future, but at present, you can only use one life in one game. Lives are obtained through many methods, the most common being referrals which are explained below. However if you watch the game regularly and follow us on Twitter and Facebook you can get many more opportunities to win lives REFERRALS You can ask all your friends, family and colleagues through various means like Whatsapp, Facebook, Messenger, S, GMail etc. to download and install the app When they install the app and enter your username in the referral code, you get a FREE LIFE Note that there is NO LIMIT to number of referrals. You can get 100, 200 even 1000 lives by referring as many people as you can. QUESTIONS The Quiz questions are from a variety of common topics like Bollywood, Cricket, Politics, History, Current Affairs etc. We always welcome inputs and feedback on the kind of questions you like CASH WITHDRAWAL If you are among the winners, you can put in your bank account number in the app. We will transfer you the winning amount within 10 working days of you winning the game. Remember to follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/zingtrivia), Facebook (facebook.com/zingtrivia) and our website zingtrivia.com
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《Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗》下载版本说明
《Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存小吗》最近很多玩家都在问Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money这款游戏占内存小吗,这是个很有必要闹明白的问题,特别是配置比较低的手机,因为手机内存分为运行内存俗称系统内存和非运行内存也就是常说的存储空间,“运行内存”越大,手机能运行多个程序且流畅,非运行内存”越大,就像硬盘越大,能存放更多的数据。所以可以使用后看看进程表的情况进行选择性使用。这款Zing Live Trivia Quiz Game Show to win Cash Money占内存不大,值得一玩。
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