Bank Manager - Bank Cashier Game占内存小吗游戏攻略
Welcome to the latest bank game where you are hired as bank manager to handle multiple tasks in a limited amount of time, be a wise bank cashier to handle your customers well and avoid them to become angry at bank manager and bank cashier in this bank game.If time runs out without serving your customer you lose. Don’t be a looser bank manger be wise and active to serve all your customer in your bank game this is also a time management game for kids so that they can learn how work goes on in a real bank.You must be having understanding of cash register and handle customers waiting to get their transactions done as soon as possible. This Bank has worldwide banking and provides best financial services. This bank gives their customers best service to the entire bank.
Being a bank manager and bank cashier, you need to handle following quires of your customers:
Bank Account Balance Enquiry: - Customer come to check their bank account balance. customer need the account number and name of customer to check the balance in their account.
Cheque Cash: - Customer can come to bank cashier to cash a cheque by filling its account number, name and amount on cheque.
Utility Bills: -Customer can pay their utility bills in the bank by providing their account details to bank manager.
Cash Deposit: - customer can deposit cash in their bank account to deposit cash.Customer has to fill a slip which require the name, account number and total amount to be deposited.
Be the best bank manager and bank cashier in this time management bank game, download now for free!!
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