Terra Caravan占内存小吗游戏攻略
▶Why You Should Play Terra Caravan
・Digging is easy! Just tap the screen!
・Your level and damage increase infinitely!
・You get gold even when you don't play!
・You can play whenever and wherever you want!
▶Terra Caravan Features
[How To Play]
(1) Tap to dig!
(2) Acquire gold to level up!
(3) Dig even deeper!
[Dig Underground]
Tap the screen to dig underground. Use the gold you acquire to level up Sharon and her friends!
[Recruit Friends to Help You Dig!]
Recruit and train unique and interesting partners. Your partners will dig automatically and their skill level will increase to make them even better!
[Acquire Gold Even When Not Playing!]
You acquire gold even when not playing Terra Caravan! The longer you're away, the more gold you can acquire!
[Discover Powerful Artifacts!]
You will sometimes run across artifacts while digging that can increase your digging ability even further. Try them out once you find them to see what powerful effects they have!
[New Game+]
You can return to the surface (0m) once you reach 100m. Acquire iron ore to upgrade your artifacts!
[App Price]
Main App: Free
*Some paid content is available.
由MISTWALKER与ARZEST开发、以黏土造型模组为特色的对战型RPG《Terra Wars》宣布,将于5月29日至5月31日展开第一回封闭测试(Android),也首度对外释出战斗教学影片,让玩家得以了解本作的实际玩法。
《Terra Wars》是承袭了《Terra Battle》世界观的新作,《Terra Battle》的角色们将以黏土造型登场。玩家可以一边战斗一边推进故事,...
由日本知名制作人坂口博信担纲制作的RPG作品《Terra Battle》在 2015 年里取得了不错的成绩,而在这款游戏上架之前,官方就推出了一个“下载解锁”活动,每当游戏达到一定的下载次数,官方就会制作或推出一些新的内容,当然这也不仅仅局限于游戏本身。
最近坂口博信在美国洛杉矶举办的 Anime Expo 2017 活动中透露,《Terra Battle》的家用主机版本仍在开发当中。根...
任天堂真的是一个固执的厂商,曾明确表态,不会跟手机用户打交道。不管你多么希望能在手机上玩《宠物小精灵》,那都是不可能的事:不过安卓平台形形色色的“类宠物小精灵”游戏可以填补这个遗憾,即将发行的《泰若怪兽 Terra Monsters》就是最好的例子。
《泰若怪兽 Terra Monsters》是一款以宠物饲养为基础的冒险游戏,你将在巨大的魔幻世界里探索、捕获宠物、完成任务、和敌人进行宠物P...