Alliance at War占内存小吗游戏攻略
So, what is a truly interesting war strategy game? And how to succeed in providing a better community experience? These are the topics that we have been exploring for a decade. I’m Frank, the producer of Alliance at War, and we are here to bring you a global RPG+SLG game with a social diversity and to give you an opportunity to experience a free sandbox war strategy game with rich RPG quests. Over the last few years, we have made a lot of attempts and optimizations to the game to give the players what they want. Creating various gameplay options such as personal exploration and alliance battles. We are keenly aware that the best ideas always come from the players personally. As developer team we hope to have a chance to hear from you so please stop by our Facebook page, live streams on YouTube, and even join our Discord Server. We want to listen to what you will have to say and to assist in any issues or concerns you may have with the game.
Game Features:
**Gameplay Features**
• Low battle damage and quick recovery help you enjoy battles.
• Join an Alliance and occupy the Stronghold to get a better strategic area and enjoy special buff.
• Team up with allies to explore mysterious ancient caves and get rare treasures!
• Six different types of heroes are waiting to be chose. With different unit collocations, you are going to experience varying strategies and win with fewer forces.
• Collect the 7 spirit orbs to get special mystery rewards.
• Unite with allies to win in War of Throne and be the King to rule the world.
**Strategy Features**
• Troop Protection Strategy: Troop status can be switched at will. Whether to be an attacker or a defender, you have a choice in how you respond to war.
• Battle Camp: You can quickly build up several battle camps on the map to make your offensive routes unpredictable, and then use your dexterity to crush powerful enemies!
**Social Features**
• In-game translation function helps you chat with players worldwide. Real-time customer support is provided as well.
• Compete with global players and join the alliance from different country to defeat the enemy!
**Greetings from the Development Team**
Tired of a game that with lots of in-game bugs and poor customer support? Here, Alliance at War provides you a real-time service and timely support!
A new player with no gaming experience? Visit our Facebook page, YouTube, Discord for a full list of tips! And there are also experienced players guiding here and helping you grow!
Your suggestions are valuable to us! Let’s work together for a perfect war game!
Please feel free to contact us by the following ways:
QQ group: 826894601
跨次元军武对战手游《装甲联盟》7月28日11点即将开启首次渠道测试。“Cold War”来袭,在炎热的夏季带来最凉爽的军武旋风!这一次,世界因你而变。首测预约于今日正式开启,抢占先机就在此时!
【 预约有礼 虚位以待 】
《装甲联盟》为“Cold War”渠道首测出击准备,预约专题今日正式开启!各位玩家在完成预约之后即可获得专属游戏礼包一枚。除此之外,还将获得来自《装甲联盟》总议会的温馨提...