Bridge * 2019 : Physics Game (New)占内存小吗游戏攻略
Bridge 2019
The only thing you need to do is Build a Bridge to “bump two balls .”
It's time to use your brain and find a way to bump the balls❗
Will you be able to build Bridges to clear levels simple-looking but actually difficult stages❓
★ The rules are simple!
★ Build Bridge, Let's bump the two balls
★ Your brain abilities will be tested in Bridge Game.
All you need to do is Build a Bridge to “make the blue and red balls bump”, But you will need your wisdom and imagination.
Draw lines and shapes to form a bridge freely to move and roll the balls.
Flexible thinking is going to become the key to victory.
Bridge 2019 Features:
★ Free to play, play it anywhere anytime ⏰⌛
★ Suitable for all ages
★ Simple rules but a little difficult to clear the level, you'll find the addiction.
★ No Face Book Required ♂️❌
★ No In App Purchases ♂️❌
★ Less than 19 mb size
Brain Game
Physics Game
Love Game
Puzzle Game
Hurry, Download and play this New fun puzzle game for free ❗
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