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If you like Anime or Illustration, and want to challenge the jigsaw puzzles, then this game is the answer. It is a highly addictive and relaxing game with the high quality in original graphics and designs. And, it will be more fun when you play with friends and family. First, try it and enjoy!
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505 Games是隶属于意大利最大的游戏经销商Digital Bros集团下的电子游戏发行商和开发商,自2006年成立以来,发行过《泰拉瑞亚(Terraria)》、《PAYDAY 2(收获日2)》、《神力科沙》、《ABZU》、《传送门骑士》、《火星记忆》等,作为在欧美市场中不可忽视的重要游戏发行商之一,近年来505 Games也逐渐走进中国玩家的视野中。
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