Learn Chess Play Chess占内存小吗游戏攻略
Do you want to learn chess? Then this is the app for you. This app contains lessons for each piece and a two player chess game. In each lesson, you will be able to move the pieces, perform the unique moves such as castling ,and practice attacking other pieces. In addition, you will understand the rules of chess such as what happens during check and how to win the game. After finishing the lessons, you can play chess with colorful two player chess game with another person. This two player chess game includes all the unique moves like castling and en passant. It also tells if a player made an illegal move or is in check. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU START THE APP.
风靡台湾的性感ARPG手游《超杀女神》近日确定被国内一线发行商51wan独家代理,并于1月14日开启安卓删档测试。据悉,《超杀女神》曾荣登台湾Google play免费榜第一位,并与台湾热辣超模合作出演宣传视频,将性感诱惑充分呈现。而本次在国内的删档测试,势必掀起全新热潮,与玩家贺岁新春。
台湾 Google play 免费榜第一名游戏《超杀女神》2016年新春档火爆来袭!骑马与砍杀的战斗模...
任天堂旗下《超级马里奥奔跑》在12月中旬上市iOS平台后旋即获得了市场的强烈反响,不过游戏何时登陆安卓平台就成为许多玩家比较关心的问题。而就在今天,《超级马里奥奔跑》正式登陆的Google Play开启预约注册。在完成预约后,当游戏正式推出时玩家便会收到提醒。