Style Idol占内存小吗游戏攻略
Beautiful and awesomely fabulous! Imagine and create your very own style!
Your Style Idol will dress up and strike various poses! Dress up and save your character in many unique poses!
Customize face, hair, shirts, pants, dresses, accessories,
background, stickers, and mix & match with over 2,000 dress up items!
★ Features
1. Use thousands of costumes, backgrounds, and dialogue bubbles to create your unique Style Idol.
2. Pose multiple Style Idols together and create various imaginary situations!
(Some scenes you can create are going out for a drive, traveling, lovers walking hand-in-hand, and many other romantic moments!)
3. Turn your Style Idols left and right to view from various angles!
4. Save your dressed up Style Idols to look at it again at any time!
5. Share your beautiful and cool Style Idols with your friends!
※ Game data saved in your device will also be deleted when you delete the game.
※ In-app purchase items are saved and restored when you reinstall the game. (If you cannot see purchased item after making the payment, reinstalling the game will resolve the problem.)
★ Permission required for game play.
Storage: Permission is required to save and share game data.
★ Contact
Bangbaero 18-gil, BH Building 8th Fl.
Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
第1名 可获得20000佣金;
第2-10名 每人可获得10000佣金;
第11-50名 每人可获得5000...
2012年倾力打造的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏 (MMORPG),安卓平台仙侠网游巅峰之作《仙缘传说》,自公测以来,受到玩家热捧,为了给玩家带来更好更刺激的游戏体验,创梦团队埋首研究,不断创新,继师徒、通缉、婚姻、摆摊、天命等系统之后,于2013年1月5日火爆开启的新片六道轮回上线之后,将开创六道轮回塔式副本、炼魂系统以及八卦炉等系统,将那个时候人们修仙、行侠、恩怨、情仇等情感融的淋漓尽致,这带给玩...