Follow the Line fast finger占内存小吗游戏攻略
Follow the Line - fast finger
is one of the best line games you can play with your finger.
Go fast through the randomly generated line and try to follow the line.
All obstacles open. Overcome hundreds of different and fun obstacles and get the highest score.
Race with your friends and players all over the world by going the most advanced distance.
● Game available in 13 languages. More coming soon.
● All obstacles open.
● Special finger mode. (Activate and make your finger the hero of the game.)
● Compatible with all screen sizes.
● Endless Line.
● Smooth game play.
● Social Sharing Integration. (Share your score with your friends on facebook, twitter, whatsApp and similar platforms.)
● Leaderboards integration (Race with your friends and players all over the world by making high scores.)
日本LINE宣布,智慧型手机游戏新作《LINE Grand Grid(LINE グラングリッド)》(iOS/Android)并正式开始【事前登录】活动。
本作是LINE Ventures所投资的LINE Game Global Gateway所制作的作品。是一款让角色在4×5的盘面上进行战斗的战略RPG,以能够靠一根手指简单操作来进行游戏为卖点。
《LINE Grand Grid》中,...
今日,游戏商Line宣布与 Cyber Agent 合作开发的游戏新作《LINE 潜空的复国》(LINE 潜空のレコンキスタ)预注册正式开始,参与预注册的玩家可以获得丰厚的特典奖励。游戏的具体上架时间尚未公布。
本作是一款RPG游戏,由Cyber Agent 全面负责开发。游戏的剧情将会由《杀戮都市》额编剧渡边雄介负责,另外还有コザキユースケ担任监修,力图打造一款优秀的传统日式RP...