Mall Shopping Fashion Store占内存小吗游戏攻略
Mall Shopping Fashion Store is one of those shopping games where you will have a lot of fun with your favorite princess when she go to the mall and wants to buy something for this Christmas . Because is the Holiday Season even in shopping games and all girls desire to look like a real princess, we give you a virtual mall and invite you to shop everything you want for a dream Christmas Eve !
Of course, all girls are interested by fashion trends, so in our shopping games the first store from the mall is a fashion store . There are so many dresses, all beautiful and elegant, shoes or Christmas gift than you will don't know what you should shop first . Be careful what the customer wants and choose the correct item !
First product in this shopping game is dresses . A colorful one, or elegant, does no matter, because all are gorgeous and will make you shining like a princess . Than you should shop a pair of shoes which must match with your dresses, of course ! Our mall fashion store has also Christmas Gifts for all customers, so choose and buy one for your friends ! Do not forget the purse, because a princess cannot comes at shopping without buy a purse !
Our Shopping Games features :
- a virtual mall where you go for shopping
- a fashion store in the mall with elegant dresses to buy
- matching shoes for your dresses
- Christmas Gifts
- gorgeous purse for princess
We hope that you like to play our shopping games and at the end please rate it or tell us your opinion about it ! Enjoy playing !
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