Cookie Jelly Pop Blast 2018占内存小吗游戏攻略
Cookie Jelly Pop Blast Game is a new match game for you. New levels and new fun for the gems lovers.
You will find a lot of gems and precious stone for free to you hard to find free precious stones this days :)
Game play:
Easy to play,in Cookie Jelly Pop Blast Game you have to match or more cookie and brake all the bricks and bring the big star down.
You need to pass the level until the times is up.
Cookie Jelly Pop Blast Game features:
- Two Game Modes: Arcade & Classic.
- Match 4 cookie can win the cookie's bomb.
- Match 5 cookie can win color-changing cookie and 2 lighting cookie.
- cookie bomb can eliminate the cookie around.
- Color-changing cookie can eliminate to any other colored cookie.
- Timing cookie can extend the playing time!
- Lighting cookie can eliminate cookie in one row or column!
- More Than 200 Level
Cookie Jelly Pop Blast Game will serve well your time, ash and blast all the cookie for fun or practice. Leave your feedback to help us improve
the game for you :)
《POP IN Q》是由东映动画制作的原创剧场版动画。2016年1月25日,在东映动画创立60周年之际,发表了完全原创长篇动画《POP IN Q》的制作决定。该动画已于去年12月份开始在日本播出,该作围绕着正值青春期而邂逅的五位少女,是一部以学园剧的形式,加上舞蹈和音乐的魅力,从而展开的戏剧性的的青春故事。作为影动游联动的大时代,自然本动画也会被改编。近日,世嘉就公布了新作《Pop in Q:舞蹈...
近日LINE GAME宣布旗下休闲游戏新作《line POP 巧克力》(LINE POPショコラ)即将在今年秋季开始配信,游戏的预注册现已开始。
本作是一款三消类的的休闲解谜游戏,也是《line POP》系列的最新作品。玩家在游戏中将会扮演line熊,通过消除游戏来解决各种各样的关卡。和系列前作相比i,本作中加入了更多的场景和道具,还有许多由甜品组成的建筑物出现。
《果冻方块》(Jelly Squares)是一款画风简单清新的益智游戏。简单的力学,直观的界面,这将使您大伤脑筋,但不会让您失望的!点击一个正方形来移动它,把正方形放在一个圆圈上,让它们的颜色搭配,考验您的超前思考能力。喜欢此类游戏的玩家快来下载体验吧!