Truth or Drink - Deep Questions Over Some Drinks占内存小吗游戏攻略
Truth Or Drink is a very simple game.
The first player poses an extremely personal question to the other player(s).
Then, everyone who's participating must either answer the question honestly, or drink.
Then second player asks another question and the vicious but fun cycle continues.
The sets of questions will help you get to know your partner, friend, parent or even a blind date even better and you'll get into each others minds .
Ideal for casual hangouts, parties, dates, sleepovers or even breaking the ice when you need it .
Contains multiple of fun, deep and embarrassing range of questions from clean to dirty .
Contains 6 different categories of truth or drink questions:
- Couples
- Exes
- Friends
- Parents
- Siblings and the famous
- 36 Questions
The App is Constantly updated with more Truth or Drink questions and is easy and straight forward to use.
This is the Truth or Drink App you've been waiting for .
So what are you waiting for? Grab someone and have a game of Truth or Drink .
Feedback is always welcome in plenty.
前段时间曾经介绍过一款名为《和班尼特福迪一起攻克难关(Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy)》的奇怪游戏,韩国主播在挑战这款游戏14小时之后突然因为bug跌回原点,不得不重新开始,他痛苦地捶胸顿足,在直播镜头前哭闹起来。
在游戏圈,有一种奇怪的游戏分类——虐心,虐心游戏包罗万象,而且有着一大批死忠粉抖M玩家乐此不疲!眼看2017年就要结束了,今年却很少有虐心游戏的出现,直到年底才出现了一款《Getting Over It》,瞬间点燃了玩家们的抖M之魂!下面就让小熊带大家看看这款虐心游戏到底如何吧!
韩国游戏开发商NetGames全新制作的明星手游《Over Hit》在10月29日结束测试后官方正式宣布,《Over Hit》将于11月28日起正式在韩国上市。同时NetGames还表示,在韩国上市之后,《Over Hit》将会推出多国语言版本并且在推向全球市场。
《Over Hit》是手游《HIT:我守护的一切》的官方正统续作,也是韩国备受期待的明星手游。《Over Hit》用虚幻4引擎编...