CodeDefence is a tower defence game, designed to support beginner C# programmers during their early learning stages. Battle your way through multiple game levels, answering programming questions along the way to earn extra coins!
- Play through multiple game levels based around classic tower defence gameplay, with one simple twist: your main currency is earned by answering programming questions correctly
- Each level has its own set of questions, each one based around a specific area of basic C# programming: variables, functions, classes, and statements
- Automatic performance tracking will check your performance and build a player profile based on this performance data
This game was created as part of a university project, designed to measure the benefits of using a serious game to support beginner programmers during their studies. This game cannot teach programming, and is primarily designed to test a beginner programmer's own knowledge on the go.
By playing through this game, you're helping out my research as part of my university project. Although the game is currently limited to one language, four levels, and only a all set of questions, these areas will be expanded on in the future!