Pou Pou Egg - Egg Mini Games在哪下载游戏攻略
Pou Pou Egg - Egg Mini Games is a collection of fun egg games called Pou Pou. The game is simple but colorful, funny and cute.
The mini-games are simple but exciting style of play will make you extremely relaxed and comfortable.
Let's prepare the psychology and action to overcome the challenge along with the Pou Pou egg.
Let your children play together to increase their creativity and skill.
Feed it, clean it, play with it and watch it grow up while leveling up and unlocking different levels and types.
Type of Gameplay
- Break the Egg
- Egg Jump
- Egg don't Fall
- Parachute Egg
- Hot Air Eggoon
- Fly Egg Fly
- Jumping Eggy
- Egg Adventure
- Eggy Ski Sport
How to play
You will start with some simple game types to collect the stars to unlock other exciting games. Good luck
We're always listening to your suggestions to improve Pou and add new stuff! If you have any issue with the game, just contact us and we will help you!
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