Kitty Cute Cats - Clicker Cat Collector在哪下载游戏攻略
Kitty Cute Cats – Clicker Cat collector is a clicker/idle game about collecting Cats, earning purr and collect more Kitties. Tap tap tap to get purr, use it to unlock new Cats, and evolve them into other special cats. Cat evolution has never been cuter and fun! Pet your cats to earn extra purr, and evolve them to unlock new skins and even more purr. Why having only one virtual pet if you can have 50? Unlock kitties until there is no room for more!
Kitty Cute Cats – Clicker Cat collector key features includes:
- Collect all kitties, be the ultimate cat collector.
- 50+ cute cats to unlock
- Cute illustration for each cat!
- Tap to earn purr and evolve cute kitties.
- Several achievements to unlock
- Each Cat has its own customized tune
- Take screenshots and share them with your friends
- The best cat idle/clicker game.
If you have any questions or suggestions please write to and we will answer as soon as possible!
近日,Age宣布与Sanriowave 合作推出的模拟经营游戏《Hello Kitty 冰淇淋店》(ハローキティ アイスライフ)现已正式开放配信。玩家可在安卓和苹果平台免费下载,同时表示从即日起开始一直到8月31日,玩家可以在游戏中通过开服活动获得特别的服装奖励。
本作是一款模拟经营游戏,玩家在游戏中将会扮演一家冰激凌店的店长,要聘请hello kitty等人到店里作为员工工作。玩...
小编知道很多萌妹子喜欢Hello Kitty猫,今天小编发现一个《部落冲突》阵型,相信很多COC的女玩家会很喜欢吧。
萌萌哒的hello kitty骰子来啦,超萌的图案,超强的控骰率,胜利的必备利器,还不赶紧来收集?
活动一:hello kitty骰子碎片免费送
活动时间:11月23日~ 11月24日
活动内容:使用2000宝石,奖励hello kitty骰子碎片30个(每个账号限10次)
活动时间:11月23日~ 12月31日
活动内容:装备5星hello kitty骰子时,...