Summer Fun - Beach Play在哪下载游戏攻略
All new game for kids this summer to explore creative and imaginative play by the beach! A simple and easy game to decorate a beautiful sandcastle. Children can choose from many decorations to dress-up the sandcastle and share them with their family and friends as summer postcards.
Children can also enjoy hours of popping colourful rainbow bubbles at the end of the game after they finish sandcastle dress-up.
Key features:
Bright and colourful graphics
Simple and easy drag & drop
Create over 64 different combinations
Additional bubble popping game in the end
Create and share postcard
Poppy N'Pals - comic book for kids wishes you a Happy Summer!
If you want to buy the comic book online or for more information/feedback/more games get in touch with us on facebook
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台湾 Google play 免费榜第一名游戏《超杀女神》2016年新春档火爆来袭!骑马与砍杀的战斗模...
由英国游戏开发商We Heart Dragons推出的消除类益智游戏《铭文探索》(Glyph Quest)曾获得许多玩家的青睐。前不久,我们也曾经报道过这款游戏的续作《铭文探索:编年史》( Glyph Quest: Chronicles)将会与玩家见面,但是具体时间尚无法知晓。而在今天,日本游戏公司Chorus Worldwide宣布,这个游戏将在5月登陆日服,所以,在这个月我们就可以和这款经典续...