Left To Die Mod for MCPE在哪下载游戏攻略
Left To Die Mod (Hardcore RPG Mobs)
Left To Die Mod is a mod based around the prehistory era when Undeads would roam and dominate the whole world. You and other strangers went back in time through a time machine and found yourself stranded in a world full of Undeads. You also seem to notice that there is a certain infection in the air which the Undead are immune to. However, other survivors will help you out with a supply drop full of anti-infection syringes that help reduce your infection level. Now you must find tools, equipment, and weapons to defend yourself in a world devoid of resources. After slaying a couple Undeads, you notice they have materials that you need. Can you face the Undead Horde and survive?
Hardcore RPG Mobs
Undead: Undeads roams around the world in packs/groups and are pretty scattered. Pack/Group sizes are determined by the difficulty system which is fully customizeable. Undeads also help each other out when they sense er or when one of their member in a group is attacked. Undeads comes in different types and levels each having their own strength. The type of Undead and the level of Undead is also determined by the difficulty system. Undeads drop essential loot to build up equipment and weapons to defend yourself since the world has no ores. The loot drop highly depends on the type of the Undead and their level. There are also Undead base/camps around the world randomly generated and there could be loot inside of their base.
Warrior: Warriors are strong, ruthless Undeads that doesn’t care about wearing any protection or defense. Their goal is to just mainly attack anyone that they can get their hands on. They carry different types of axes depending on their level. Higher leveled Warrior can attack fast, can attack further, can damage more, move fast, have higher health and are arter. Warriors usually drop bones, flares, coals, redstones, iron ores, gold ores, lapis and diamonds depending on the level.
Ranger: Rangers are fast, agile and accurate Undeads that are more defensive and give cover to Warriors and Knights. Their goal is to keep whoever is attacking the Undeads backed off so that other Undeads can go kill off the attacker. They carry bow with infinite arrow and can wear different types of Armor depending on the level. Higher leveled Ranger can pull bow faster, can spam bow, more accurate, move fast, strafe more and quickly, have higher health and are arter. Rangers usually drop bones, flares, coals, redstones, iron ores, gold ores, lapis and diamonds depending on the level.
Knight: Knights are fast, strong and agile Undeads that are on a horse and provide a huge boost to a group of Undead. Their goal is to reach the attacker faster than anyone in the group and kill off the attacker before it can hurt their group. They wear strong armor to keep themselves protected on the horse back and they never leave their horse. Higher leveled Knight can move faster with the horse, have better horse armor, can hit further, can attack fast, can damage more, have higher health and are arter. Knights usually drop flares, coals, redstones, iron ores, gold ores, lapis and diamonds depending on the level.
Dire Wolf: Dire Wolves are big, fast and deadly animals that are tamed by the Undead to kill you. Their goal is to stop the attacker from reaching their group and they are highly trained to kill you. They are also known to leap and can carry bad diseases.
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
Locate the minecraft application folder.
On windows open Run from the start menu, type appdata and click Run.
On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
2.将.pack文件放入游戏Total War THREE KINGDOMS/data/文件夹下。
2.将.pack文件放入游戏Total War THREE KINGDOMS/data/文件夹下。
将MOD放入相应的文件夹,运行一次游戏后,系统会自动生成Mods文件夹,具体位置:Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4。普通的mods,如(衣服、化妆、建材)放入→【package】。有时效性的模组(如剧场动作)需要单独立项重新命名→【剧场动作】。