Emulator For Nes Games Classic在哪下载游戏攻略
Best Games of the 80s on your Phone:
there were a lot of funny games with just all size. And the players were the heros.
- Game progress saving and loading - 8 manual slots with screenshots & an autosave slot. Share save states among your devices via BT, mail, skype etc. directly from the app.
- Highly customizable virtual controller! You can adjust the size and position of each button to suit your needs.
- Rewinding! Got killed by a bad guy? Never mind! Just a couple of seconds back and try again!
This is Offical Emulator for NES - 99 IN 1 - Super NES
- Support all ROM NES.
- Added 99 IN 1.
- Original NES engine
- High quality rendering
- Very fast
- Search game files in SDCard & Internal storage
- Virtual On-screen keypad
- Zipped file support
- Save States (with previews)
- Customizable keys
- Turbo buttons
- Screenshot
- Fast forward / Slow down (x0.25 - x16)
- Cheats (Game Genie/PAR)
- Support 2 players (WIFI).
- Support save and load state.
- Support NES file and ZIP file (compressed file of NES Classic).
- If you want to play, you could search NES files on the web.
- To active option menu: press or hold the menu key on the navigation bar.
this game including multiple classic arcade games like (contra , pac-man , berzerk , mariobross , rally-x and more...).
NES Emulator Free is a super fast and full-featured emulator to run NES Classic games on the broadest range of Android devices, from very low-end phones to modern tablets. It emulates nearly all aspects of the real hardware correctly.
No games are included in this app and you need to obtain yours in a legal way. Place them onto your SD card, and refresh in the app.
Disclaimer: This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with other company. It belong to this app account. our app is just an emulator.
据外媒报道,暴雪旗下子公司King在近日关闭了其位于新加坡的移动开发工作室Nonstop Games,该公司曾被King公司以3200万美元的高价收购。
Nonstop Games最早由芬兰的开发商以GamesMadeMe为名创立,在2012年才正式更名为Nonstop Games。该工作室在2014年被King公司以3200万美元的高价收购,并拥有与《魔兽世界》相似度很高的Facebook...
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