One Line Draw: One Stroke Drawing Puzzle Game在哪下载游戏攻略
Just try to connect all the dots without break the line.
First, you need to choose a dot to start connect, then connect all the dots to complete a geometric figure with one touch, you can't repeatedly draw a same line two times.
When you've got a spare moment, on your daily commute, or before going to bed, why not experience what it feels like to activate you mind?
How to Play:
● Connect all the points with just one line. It doesn't matter where you start.
● There are some fiendishly tricky, complicated puzzles among the large number of stages. When you get stuck, make use of a hint.
● At first, it starts off with simple shapes, but each time your level increases, the number of lines increases, and it gets more and more complicated.
Try to solve as many puzzles as you can, unlock new levels to get your brain to the top! Let us start the adventure in this colorful world and bring some freshness to your life!
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