Juice Jam: Fruits Edition在哪下载游戏攻略
Juice Jam is a great, hyper-casual, fun, interactive game where the player connects 3 or more fruits in any direction to get the required points in the specified time limit. Lots of fun levels and it gets harder the more you progress, so are you up for the challenge.
How to Play
- Slide your finger across the screen to collect similar fruits and rack up points within the time limit to pass onto the next level. Some levels will ask you to reach a pretty high score in a very short time. Do you think you're up for the challenge? Play to find out and remember to:
Try to reach the highest score
Make sure to be aware of how much time you have to complete the level
Connect a minimum of 3 similar fruits to get points
Draw your connecting line in any and all directions, no need to be just a vertical or horizontal line, as long as you can connect adjacent similar fruits, go in any way you like.
It's completely free to play
Lots of fun, engaging and challenging levels
If you've enjoyed our games, please leave us a review, happy gaming :)
全球最大的华人Game Jam 48小时极限游戏开发活动将于6月16至18日现身杭州,无论你是学生、游戏开发从业者,还是对游戏开发有兴趣的路人,这里都是你可以全面体验游戏开发、碰撞创意、实现自己想法和结交同好的最佳场所。在48小时的时间内邂逅一群同样热爱游戏开发的人们,将平日玩游戏的创意和脑洞在此活动中付诸实践。 此次Game Jam杭州站由Nexus空间承办,而杭州黑岩网络表示会借这次机会,全面...
《Sudoku Pro Edition》是一款在经典数独游戏中增添新创意的限免游戏,在游戏中,玩家要将数字填进每一格,而每行、每列和每个3 x 3的大格将要集齐1 ~ 9的所有数字。有一部份数字已被预先提供,每道谜题只有一个答案。规则虽然不难,但要解出每一道谜题可是相当考验逻辑哦!
关注独立的游戏玩家对 Global Game Jam (以下简称 GGJ ),全球游戏创作节应该不陌生。这是一个独立游戏人的大集会。游戏人在规定的时间里,尽力做一款好玩的游戏,才是活动的精髓。
相比起欧美的其他游戏大展、漫展,相对小众的 GGJ 的历史也不算长。Game Jam 一词是由 Game(游戏)和 Jam Session (即兴表演)两个词组成,这种游戏...