Rpg Maker MV WebGL Benchmark在哪下载游戏攻略
This is a Technical Demo of WebGL/HTML 5 Technology. You should use this application as a quick way to see if your device is compatible. You need a device circa 2014 or greater, with at least android 4.1, Dual Core 1.2ghz processor, and at min. 1 GB of ram
If This app Crashes*
- Your device is likely not compatible with RPG Maker MV games.
- This apps purpose is to see if you can run RPG maker Games. Any ERROR messages you recieve, you will likely receive the same message on ANY Rpg maker MV games. This will in turn save you money by NOT buying apps with an incompatible device!
- Please keep this in mind when you rate! ! !
- I need to emphasize, Keep that in mind when you rate!
You can use this application as a BASE comparison/Bench Mark to see if rpg maker apps can run on your phone.
the only thing changed in this app was resolution!
for this video!
This application is NOT OPTIMIZED ON PURPOSE!
This applications Resolution is set to LOW for EXAMPLE PURPOSES
This is a tech demo of RPG Maker MV compiled with Intel XDK. Please review my thread located in the MV Tutorials section on rpg maker website official website.
This app will not run on low end devices.
《恋舞OL》新版本12月浪漫上线!相信期待已久的友友们一定是大满足的有木有!新版本当然也增加了一些新歌曲。小编马上带大家欣赏的就是新增歌曲来自于美国著名嘻哈说唱歌手Flo Rida的《Whistle》。
在这个寒冷的冬季《恋舞OL》新版本的到来让我们这个冬天变的火热起来。今天小编为大家带来的新歌曲MV欣赏是韩国女子组合Secret的《Shy Boy》。MV的剧情很有音乐剧的feeling,Secret组合从身着睡衣到最后穿着白色小礼服仿佛在百老汇舞台上的歌舞表演很是精彩。整个MV中Secret组合的着装很有亮点,这里就不多剧透了。