Air Warfare在哪下载游戏攻略
A very fierce and thrilling air fight of the Air Warfare game!
Air Warfare is very exciting adventure game. Battle in the sky, you have to try it!
Avoid the enemies and fly to the finish line.
Air Warfare is an awesome adventure game with different missions to complete!
Getting bored with familiar classic shooting, arcade or action games? Air Warfare brings you a whole new shooting experience with a broad range of fighter planes and upgrades to select!
Various maps, numerous characters, breathtaking battles and you'll surely never get bored! Air Warfare game is full of excitement! Squadron attacks, rocket army or cute monsters make this air shooter game highly addictive.
Air Warfare free for everyone. Excellent graphics effect in Air Warfare game designed and animation is very beautiful, and the game will appeal to players of any age!
Features in Air Warfare game:
• 13 super stages to have fun;
• Lot of planes, helicopters, tanks and guns;
• More than 10 unique enemies;
• Very cute monsters;
• Exciting air battles with dangerous bosses!
HOW TO PLAYAir Warfare:
►Touch screen to move the fighter jet up, down, right and left
► Upgrade the aircraft and defeat all bosses!
Download Air Warfare game with amazing design and magnificent levels now!
Enjoy it and have fun!
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苹果iPad Air每天10台
1、 每日获奖名单将于...
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