Pillow Wars在哪下载游戏攻略
In a room full of bored children, what can happen? A pillow fight! Be quick to hit your friends before they hit you, but be careful not to hit your parents and get grounded! Pillow Wars is a kid’s game, kind of a shooting genre… only with pillows!
Main Features:
- Cute aesthetics aimed at kids.
- Easy to learn, hard to master gameplay.
- Customizable difficulty settings to accommodate all age groups.
- Collect crazy power-ups like Boomerang Pillow and Bullet Time Pillow.
- Buy constantly updated content like rooms, pillows, and power-ups in the Store.
- Switch between three modes of play: Pillow Fight, Time Attack and Survival Mode.
Know more in: https://www.rattogames.com/
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近日著名游戏厂商supercell推出了一款新的手游《rush wars》,这款游戏可以说是刚放出一点消息就受到了广大游戏爱好者们的喜爱。由于该游戏尚未在国内发布,下面我就带给大家《rush wars》国际服的下载教程。
Supercell最近推出的策略新游《Rush Wars》(冲锋战场)目前已经登陆苹果ios及安卓平台,不过令国内用户不太开心的是,此次上架还只是加拿大等个别海外地区先行测试,而国服还杳无音讯,这样一来想玩的话就只能玩国际服了,可是一些小伙伴要问了国际服在哪下载,嘿哈~贴心的小湖已经为大家准备好咯~
Rush Wars国际服下载安装教程
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