Grand Battlefield The Real Battleground在哪下载游戏攻略
Let’s get ready to strike on the frontline to defeat your enemy gangs who want to overcome the city with their bad hands. They spread terror in the city being evil gangsters and mafia shooter. They want to invade the super modern city and transform it into a battleground. This city shows the grand picture of real world war. The enemy gangs want to destruct the city by using great weapons and modern guns, they are killing innocent lives and you are their last hope. You are the lastman in this last battle of counter terrorist open war to rescue the lives of all citizens of modern grand city.
You might have played shooting games in 3D simulator but you may have not played the counter terrorist open war frontline 3D game of great shooting attacks with modern weapons. The last battle of world war is of great shooting with ultimate war weapons to strike the rivals in one go. Find the modern weapons and snipers in this terrorist battle of real fighting, you are the lastman in this grand fierce battle of crossfire : legends, you have to devote yourself for thrive island survival in this 3D game of 2018. Kill all the criminals and gangster squad to thrive island survival. This shows the picture of super sniper war against terror in the last battle where you are performing the lastman to kill the gangster squad in frontline. As you know all the criminals and gangster squad are equipped with modern commando weapons, so you have to be very vigilant and careful while performing in this war against terror. Become a real super hero in this Grand Battlefield WW2: Frontline Shooter FPS War to win the title of legend in this battle of midway in Battleground.
Explore multiple sniper weapons in this counter terrorist open war to gain the world peace and clear the mafia to thrive island survival in frontline. You are the lastman of the battle of midway to strike all the criminals and gangster squad to have the grand peace of the world. Attack all the enemy in this fierce battle of crossfire : legends. Discover the enemy gangster squad era to play multiple modes to vanish all the terrorists, explore great shooting, fighting, gun attacks being a FPS commando in this thrive island survival mission, this city shows the real picture of war against terror, you have to fight for the peace of the world in this counter terrorist open war. In training mode shoot the gangster squad to gain some shooting skills, aim with great focus to shoot the gangsters in one go, diffuse all the bombs in this battle of midway, practice target shooting and become the part of crossfire : legends of this fierce battle. But be careful to handle some strong weapons and select the wide range of guns and snipers to win the crazy Counter terrorist open war and the battle of midway. To kill the gangster squad quickly in this thrive island survival, buy bullets and grenades from gun store. Great weapons of snipers and guns are latest weapons which will make you feel like the Crossfire : legends, fierce battle is on your side you have to win the last battle at any cost for the sake of peace of the world. If you work hard to win this fierce battle, you have to plan a proper strategy to do that for world peace. Grand Battlefield WW2: Frontline Shooter FPS War is a great shooting challenge for thrive island survival to rescue the citizens from wrath of mafia and gangster squad. The great shooters and criminals in this battleground will be equipped with great snipers, gunners in modern FPS commando action. The gangster squad is not less than crossfire : legends, you have to be careful while fighting with such mafia gangs. You can survive in this fierce battle as a lastman legend to wipe out the counter terrorist open war in this battleground.
*Key features*
- Multiple weapons to win the crazy missions against rivals
- Easy and smooth control to attack
- Grenades and gun bullets to wipe out gangster squad
- Addictive game play
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